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Green Junglefowl, Gallus varius |
Green jungle fowl is the name of a group of birds including birds of the tribe of Phasianidae, ie a family of chickens, quail, peacocks, and sempidan. Jungle fowl is believed to be ancestors of some of the pet chicken is in the archipelago. This chicken is called by different names in different places, such as canghegar or cangehgar (Sd.), chicken base (Jw.), ajem allas or tarattah (Md.).
Have a scientific name Gallus varius (Shaw, 1798), this chicken in English known as Green Junglefowl, Javan Junglefowl, Forktail, or Javanese Junglefowl Green, referring to the color and place of origin.
Large birds, total body length (measured from the tip of beak to tip of tail) approximately 60 cm on a rooster, and 42 cm in females.
Combs on cock naked, but rounded edges, red, the color blue in the middle. Feathers on the neck, neck and shiny green coat with the edge (margin) black, look like fish scales. Closing the hip in the form of long hairs pointed golden yellow with a black center. The underside of the body is black, and shiny black-green tail. Hens are smaller, yellowish brown, with streaks and spots.
Iris red, gray-white beak, and feet slightly yellowish or reddish
Chickens are like open areas and berpadang grass, forest edges and areas with low hills near the coast. Chicken-Green is known to spread limited forests in Java and Nusa Tenggara islands, including Bali. In West Java, recorded live to a height of 1,500 m above sea level, in East Java to 3,000 m above sea level and in Lombok to 2400 m above sea level.
Morning and evening feeding chickens is common in open areas and grasslands, while in the heat of the day shelter in the cool shade of the forest. Chicken-eating green forests of different seeds, shoots and leaves of grass, a variety of insects, and various types of small animals such as spiders, worms, frogs and small lizards.
Chicken is often seen in groups, 2-7 pieces or more, feeding on the grass near the big ungulata like buffalo, cow or bull. In addition to hunting insects disturbed by animals, large animals, the chicken-like forest green know-ngais unload and carry the dirt herbivores to find seeds that have not been digested, or insects that eat the dirt.
At night, groups of partridge was sleeping not far from the bamboo grove, shrub-perduan, or the leaves of the palm forest at a height of 1.5 to 4 m above the ground.
Green jungle fowl breed between the months of October-November in West Java and around March-June in East Java. Made a simple nest on the ground layer of grass, in bushes or tall grass cover. 3-4 eggs are whitish in color details.
Unlike seed chicken, chicken smooth-flying Forest Green. Chicks forest has been able to avoid the dangers of flying in a few weeks. Adult chickens can fly vertically for a moment and to a nearby tree branch at a height of 7 m or more. Fly horizontally, Chicken, Green Forest could fly straight up to several hundred meters, but is believed to be able to fly from island to island across the sea nearby.
Morning and evening, with the voice of a rooster crowing is a special, high-pitched nasal. First check-kreh speech .. consecutive number of times sound like sneezing, followed by the sound check kreh-ki .. 10 to 15 times, with a lag time of several to tens of seconds, the longer length jedanya. This crow is usually immediately followed by or received by one or a few males who live nearby. Hens cackle like a chicken, with a smaller sound-loud, in the morning when it will come out of her bed.
Source : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayam_hutan_hijau
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